Goethe once said that “The highest to which man can attain is wonder”. Paradoxically, nothing is more natural for a child than to stand and wonder. But, as we grow up, we all too easily lose this sense for the magical moments in our everyday lives.
More and more I find my thoughts preoccupied with the search for this lost magic – which I discover in nature, in foreign cultures, in religions, in music and in human relationships. Later I work the magic into my illusions, in which I like to involve my guests. This way I want to remind my guests of the unique experience of wonderment and encourage them to find and embrace it in their everday life.
Altough I don't make a difference between amazement for life and for a magic illusion, I never try to make my audience believe that what I'm doing is anything else than illusions for entertainment. An artist should inspire and enlighten others, not pretend to have supernatural powers beyond his performance on stage.